Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
River Nith
Nith Catchment Fishery Trust
Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
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Trout fishing at Slatehouse Loch, Drumlanrig Castle

We had another successful fishing day with the Nith Young Anglers on the 18th October. This time we were at Slatehouse Loch on Drumlanrig Estate who kindly donated the use of the loch for the day, freshly stocked with rainbow trout. Thank you to their River Manager, Scott Kerr who came and helped us for the day, landing a few lovely rainbows for some of our Young Anglers and giving them lots of tips on how to catch a fish.

With ex-Hurricane Ophelia making her presence known at the start of the week, we were unsure if the day would even run. However, it turned out that we couldn’t have asked for a better day with hardly any wind and no rain. A total of seven rainbows were caught and everyone was allowed to keep their first one. Our young anglers had the opportunity to try lots of different methods of fishing including fly, spinning and worming and it was great to see our more experienced anglers getting out on their own and trying different things to try and catch a fish. They certainly worked hard and deserved their fish.

From the emails I have received today, the fish went down well at home with everything from trout goujons and chips, BBQ trout and oriental trout broth being cooked. Well done everyone.

Our next angling day is on Saturday 18th November when we will be fishing for grayling on Dalswinton Estate.

A big thank you to Drumlanrig Estate for the use of Slatehouse Loch, to Scott Kerr, Buccleuch River Manager, for all his help, Glyn and Roger from Borderlines, Jim, David and Debbie from the Nith Fishery Board and Trust and to our funders; the Holywood Trust, the Misses Robinsons Trust and Nithsdale Area Committee.

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