Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
River Nith
Nith Catchment Fishery Trust
Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
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Nith News

River diversion on the Nith

August 15, 2013

The course of the River Nith was altered at Kier’s Greenburn Surface Coal Mine near New Cumnock, during the second week of August 2012.  This was the first of two planned diversions of the river to facilitate the extraction of coal beneath (Read More…)

Robin Rigg report by Marine Scotland

August 13, 2013

Marine Scotland recently published a report on the potential influence of Robin Rigg Wind Farm on Atlantic salmon abundance in the rivers to the east of the farm.  Using rod catch data and juvenile salmonid data they found that there were no (Read More…)

Fishing days at Drum Loch

August 7, 2013

participate in a day’s angling tuition on a local trout fishery.  This year, Dumfries High School and Wallace Hall Academy took up the offer and enjoyed a day’s fishing on Drum Loch.  The weather was kind to them and a few fish (Read More…)

Helping Hand

August 5, 2013

The Trust and Board’s staff has been planting out hatchery reared stock recently into areas of the catchment that have been assessed previously and require this management intervention.  The stocking of fry is one of those tasks in the year which lends (Read More…)

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