Nith News
December 15, 2016BULLETIN DECEMBER 2016 Following the announcement by Scottish Government (“SG”) of the 2017 conservation categories for all Scottish rivers, the Nith System was designated Cat 3. For 2017, the effect of which in short would have been 100% catch and release (Read More…)
River Nith Category 2 for the 2017 season
December 2, 2016Many fishers on the River Nith will have enthusiastically read the recent announcement from the Scottish Government that the River Nith’s conservation status has been elevated to category 2 for the coming 2017 season. This follows a lengthy detailed appeal process in (Read More…)
Grayling Fishing River Nith
With the closing of the 2016 salmon fishing season many anglers attention is drawn to the productive grayling angling to be experienced on many beats on the River Nith. Indeed at time of writing this (2nd December) I note quite a few (Read More…)