Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
River Nith
Nith Catchment Fishery Trust
Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
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Summary of the fishing season on the River Nith for 2017

The recorded catch of salmon for the 2017 season was 695 by rods with an 89% catch and release rate and 133 caught by nets with a 70% catch and release rate. These figures remained consistent with those of the previous two years.  The main run of salmon came through during the summer with fewer fish in the autumn. However, a pulse of large back end fish ran the river during the second half of November.  Grilse numbers were low during 2017.

Sea trout numbers were slightly reduced during 2017 with the rods catching 768 sea trout with an 83% catch and release rate and the nets catching 214 with a 12% catch and release rate.  High water levels allowed our sea trout to run the length of the river without pausing.

The River Nith was assigned Category 2 status for the 2017 season and voluntary catch and release of all salmon was recommended with a caveat that no more than two salmon per angler/netsman per season be taken.  Compliance with this request was upheld and will in no small way contribute to increasing our stocks of salmon.

The Nith has been assigned a provisional Category 1 status for the 2018 season.   However, the Board has agreed that the Conservation Policy remains the same as was practiced in 2017.

Salmon catches 2008-17 for website

Sea trout catches 2008-17 for website

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