Nith Young Anglers Club
The Nith Catchment Fishery Trust has organised a series of Angling Days for Young people. Between February and December, we will be holding 12 fishing days where professional angling instructors will be on hand to teach young people how to cast and help them catch a range of different fish throughout the Nith catchment. The first Fishing Day is on 18th February where we will be going Grayling Fishing on the River Nith. All ages are welcome but under 12’s must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are welcome to all of the sessions as we would like to encourage parents to join their children fishing.
The sessions are free as we have kindly received funding from the Holywood Trust, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Nith District Salmon Fishery Board and other private funders to run this initiative. Please contact us for more information or if you wish to book a place on one or more of the angling days. Email