Anglers and Pupils stock salmon into Mid Nithsdale Waters!
Staff from the Nith District Salmon Fishery Board and the Nith Catchment Fishery Trust assisted pupils from Wallacehall Academy and anglers from Mid Nithsdale Angling Association to stock salmon fry into the River Nith at Nith Bridge during the first week of April. Every year the Board typically produces over 1 million salmon and trout fry in their hatcheries and this year 75,000 of these salmon fry were released into the Mid Nithsdale Angling Association water. Pupils from Wallacehall Academy took part in the Nith in the Classroom project that is run by the Nith Catchment Fishery Trust and were given a hundred salmon eggs to rear themselves in the Biology lab at their school. After successfully rearing these salmon on they joined forces with Mid Nithsdale Angling Association and released their fry, along with the fry reared in the NDSFB hatchery, into the River Nith. Hopefully some of these fish will return in future years to be caught by young Mid Nithsdale anglers!