Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
River Nith
Nith Catchment Fishery Trust
Nith District Salmon Fishery Board
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Week four and we are half way through the sea trout experience for 2015.  The weather has been kind to us and the sea trout have been in the river in greater numbers than in recent years.  Some teams are reporting good catches of sea trout and others are using the event as a taster and a learning curve to get them in to the sport of fishing at night.  Either way, the reports are encouraging and the anglers are getting the chance to fish water that is new to them.  So far, fish of note have been an 8lb sea trout and an 10lb salmon on the Rosehill beat.  Tight lines for the next four weeks.

Catch Stats for 26/27 June 2015 Nith Sea Trout Experience

Sea trout caught: 15

Sea trout lost: 05

Salmon: 01

Brown trout caught: 17

Grayling caught: 03

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Boatford Lower Beat, Adam Grant's Team

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Boatford Lower Beat, Adam Grant’s Team

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Rosehill Beat, David Kempsell caught and released this 10lb Salmon

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Rosehill Beat, David Kempsell caught and released this 10lb Salmon

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Rosehill Beat, David Kempsell caught and released this 10lb Salmon

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, Rosehill Beat, David Kempsell caught and released this 10lb Salmon

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4,  DGAA Upper Beat,  Russell Williamson's Team caught and released this brown trout

Nith Sea Trout Experience week 4, DGAA Upper Beat, Russell Williamson’s Team caught and released this brown trout

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